© 2001-2016, Kevan Hashemi

The following is by Aries the Divine, dated 2482.

The Reconciliation

Here is the Treaty of Reconciliation, translated from Greek, and the names of the Princes of Hell translated into those by which they are most commonly referred to on Clarus. A population block is the right to have one thousand people living in a plot. An over-count is an excess population over that allowed by the plot's blocks. Note that the Olympian date 2764, day 133 corresponds to Claran date January 1st, 2000, the day upon which the Reconciliation Treaty came into effect.

This edict, ratified by the Olympian Council Elect, and made law by its members on this day the one-hundred and thirty-third day of the two thousand seven hundred and sixty-fourth year after the Olympian Commencement, witness their marks, acts to bring reconciliation to the warring peoples of Idonius on Clarus, a Free World under the Free World Declaration, and is called itself the Reconciliation Treaty, or hereafter The Treaty.

Not withstanding the aims and intentions of The Treaty, it will interpreted and enforced by the Olympian Court, under the sole authority of the Olympian Judiciary, without prejudice and with fair hearing, and the resolution of ambiguity and contradiction without and within the treaty will be the sole responsibility of the Olympian Judiciary after due process of the Olympian Court.

The Treaty names five Olympian Citizens as the only Olympian Citizens who may under any circumstances be held liable for any breach of the terms of The Treaty, these five being Lucifer, Beelzebub, Thor, Shiva, and Erebus, hereafter referred to as The Bearers of the Treaty. The Bearers of the Treaty accept the terms of The Treaty without reservation, on this day the one-hundred and thirty-third day of the two thousand seven hundred and sixty-fourth year after the Olympian Commencement, witness their marks.

The Bearers of the Treaty will share all fines brought to bear upon them by the Olympian Court as a consequence of breach of The Treaty in the following proportions. Lucifer shall pay forty percent, the remaining Bearers of the Treaty will each pay fifteen percent.

The Treaty recognizes three classes of territory on Idonius, which are named the Outlands, the Borderlands, and the Homelands. The Homelands and the Outlands are separated by the Borderlands, these Borderlands being twenty-five kilometers wide, subject to exceptions listed in Appendix B, with parallel borders, subject to exceptions listed in Appendix B, marked every one hundred meters by obelisks, hereafter referred to collectively as The Obelisks, the design of which is given in Appendix A, with exceptions to the frequency and design of The Obelisks made under circumstances listed in Appendix B, or under unforeseen circumstances as decided by the Olympian Council. The approximate borders of the Outlands, Borderlands, and Homelands are laid down in Appendix C, and will be followed closely subject to the exceptions listed in Appendix B, or in unforeseen circumstances as decided by the Olympian Council.

Manufacture and placement of The Obelisks will be paid for and organized by the Bearers of The Treaty, who may employ whatever agents they wish, subject to the further terms of The Treaty, which acts in force along the approximate demarcation of Appendix C until The Obelisks are in place, and thereafter along the lines of The Obelisks.

The Bearers of the Treaty are assumed to have in their legal possession all Temple Plots, as defined for Clarus by the Free World Declaration, for which more than half of the territory of the plot lies within the Outlands. The Olympian Council will at its discretion move the borders of these temple plots so as to preserve their approximate area, but bring them entirely within the borderlands as The Obelisks are put in place.

The population blocks, as defined by the Free World Declaration, associated with each Outland Plot, an Outland Plot being a Temple Plot whose territory lies within the Outlands, may be traded freely between Outland Plots, and may be transferred to Homeland Plots, a Homeland Plot being a Temple Plot whose territory lies within the Homelands, but no population block may be transferred from a Homeland Plot to an Outland Plot.

No Temple Plot shall intersect the Borderlands. The Borderlands have no population blocks associated with them, and any population of civilizable creatures there residing is illegal. The Bearers of the Treaty will pay an over-count fine for the Borderlands, as defined by the Free World Declaration and assessed by the Olympian Censor according to the Claran Census Procedure, as if the Borderlands were a temple plot owned collectively by The Bearers of the Treaty and with no population blocks attached.

The Hellspawn population of the Homelands, as defined in Appendix D, will be assessed by the Olympian Censor according to the Claran Census Procedure, and The Bearers of the Treaty will pay ten times the over-count fine for this population.

The population of the Outlands will be assessed by the Olympian Censor according to the Claran Census Procedure, with all civilizable species being counted equally and over-counts fined as for sapien over-counts in Homeland Plots.

The Olympian Censor will assess the value of any trade that takes place between the Outlands and Homelands across the Borderlands, according to the procedure outlined in Appendix E, and The Bearers of The Treaty will pay a fine of ten times the revenue of this trade.

Here is a summary of Appendix E:

The Olympian Censor will determine the revenue of trade between the Outlands and the Borderlands in the following manner. As a result of this trade, goods will pass into the possession of the population of the Outlands. The Bearers of the Treaty are obliged, to supply all practical aid in estimating the local gold-equivalent value of all goods that pass into the hands of the Outland population, or else The Bearers of the Treaty will be held to be Obstructing Justice. The Bearers of the Treaty will be fined ten times the gold-equivalent value of the trade.

Here is the current Census Procedure taken from the Free World Declaration:

The Olympian Censor will assess the population of each Claran temple plot once every ten years, using one agent sent by the Office of the Olympian Censor, overseen by another agent chosen by the owner of the temple plot. The population of a temple plot is a best statistical estimate of the average population of civilizable creatures during the previous ten years.

Particular to Clarus, the Free World Declaration acts to separate populations for their cultural independence. The Declaration recognizes emigration of a population from one temple plot to another as a special case in which the fines resulting from any resulting over-count will be carried equally be the owners of both temple plots.

For the purpose of over-count calculations, a transient population will be represented by multiplying the population by the fraction of time it spends in a plot. For the purpose of any other calculation, such as that for the recognition of emigration, the place of residence of a transient population will be the plot in which the population spends the greatest proportion of its time.

The over-count fines for Clarus have fluctuated over the centuries, but they currently stand at $1000 per year per extra person. If the plot has three blocks, the permanent population is three thousand, and there is a transient population of one thousand present for three months out of the year, the over-count is two hundred and fifty, and the god who owns the plot ows $250,000 per year for the next ten years until the next census. Blocks themselves sell for about ten million, which is of the same order as the profit that may be extracted from a well-managed population of one thousand over one hundred years, and is also equal to the fine that would be charged over ten years for an excess population of one thousand.

Although they wanted the borderlands to be 25 km wide everywhere, they were in a hurry to put the markers up at the edges of the Outlands, so they put in one line, and then, year later, put in the second line. They found that it was not so easy to survey and keep constants a separation of 25 km, so the actual borderlands are anywhere from 5 km wide to 50 km. I found out that the Endans, who were in charge of setting up the division of territory all across Idonius, put up close to thirty thousand obelisks, at a cost of nearly a billion dollars, over a period of fifty years

The previous Claran census was 2474 AE. Prior to that it was 2461. The Olympian Census Office no longer sticks to a regular census schedule. They schedule the census to coincide with favorable conjunctions. They say they try take a census every ten years on average, but they are usually late. The next one is scheduled for 2488. By being late, they extend the time for which overcount fines will be paid, which aggravates whoever is paying overcount fines, but they delay the time at which new overcounts can be started, so there is no real incentive for them to delay or advance the schedule.