Silly Adventure Game for Adults

Rules: Rules for playing SAGA, guidelines for running a SAGA universe, and descriptions of SAGA creatures. Each passage is written from the point of view of an omniscient narrator, and should be accurate.

Pick-Up: Instructions for setting up and playing an action-packed SAGA game that completes in a few hours, with an example adventure and characters.

Essays: Essays describing countries, planets, and creatures in the SAGA universe. Each essay is from the point of view of an author in the SAGA universe. The essays can be innacurate and inconsistent.

Maps: Maps of countries and planets in the SAGA universe. Each map is and example of a map available in the SAGA universe. The maps can be innacurate and inconsistent.

Hocus, Scythe, and Wicklow: Accounts of the adventures of Hocus (Julian Hjortshoj), Scythe (Matthew Davis), Jack (Kirsten Hashemi), and Wicklow (Chris Goodnow).

Quayam, Thristen, and Gristel: Accounts of the adventures of Quayam (Kirk Vaishville), Gristel (Kevan Hashemi), and Thristen (Chris Goodnow) in the SAGA universe.

Nignog, Ping-Pong, and Zar Adventures of the three heroes with silly names (played by Calvin, Alice, and Emmett respectively).

Monks of Hashawami Adventures of the Monks of Hashawami.

Stories: Other stories set in the SAGA universe, including the Adventures of Alice and Haley.